Lesson 30: Turn gloomy Into GROOOVY!

Yesterday, we took the kids, along with some of our cousins, to Hershey Park for Education/Homeschool Day and What. A. Fantabulous. Day we all had! Now, if any of you live or visited most of the East Coast yesterday, then you know the weather was not great especially for a field trip to an amusement park. It was cold, dreary and RAINY!

We sat in the van for a long time, not wanting to face the weather conditions that surrounded us. The moment the door opened, my “Yay, Field Trip Day” turned into “I don’t know how long this trip is going to last.” I don’t like to be cold and I really don’t like to be wet and cold. The sun refused to come out from behind the clouds and play. This was not going to end well at all.

Of course, God has a lesson in everything homeschool with me. So, I sat there and prayed my attitude away. (My attitude was pretty funky hershey park graduation pics 082before I even stepped foot on Hershey Park’s property.) Finally, I’m out of the van and headed towards the front gate (still praying the whole time). And then it began to pour! All the rides we got on, were soaked! Every seat I sat on had a puddle of dirty cold rain water. Gross! Wait…did you catch that? EVERY SEAT I SAT ON…that’s right. My funky attitude was conquered with prayer and perseverance. I was determined to turn this gloomy day into a groovy one! For the first time in my life, we closed down an amusement park! Seriously! The gates locked behind us and the security guards asked us if we needed a ride back to the car, right before they told us to have a good night. LOL! Now THAT was an awesome field trip!

Lesson learned? Life is not always going to bring you the perfect conditions. In fact, sometimes things will just seemhershey park graduation pics 061 downright gloomy. My son said it best this morning in our devotions time. He said, “I’m actually thankful that it rained. I think we had a better time because we didn’t have to wait in long lines in the hot sun. We were able to get on all the rides and get back on them without having to stand in line.” YES! Something that was so gloomy turned into an oh-so groovy day just with a touch of God showing us the “groovyness” in gloomy conditions. So, as you live life day by day and as you encounter gloomy situations/conditions, remember to try your best to pray & persevere and watch God turn that gloomy Into GROOVY!hershey park graduation pics 127







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