Lesson 34: Are you hungry enough?

I can guarantee you that pretty much every day at some point in my day, I will hear the words, “Mommy, I’m hungry.” In fact, as I am typing this, one of my little ladies is sitting beside me and I am pretty sure that by the end of this page (if not shortly after), I will hear those three words from her or one of the others.  The funny thing about my children is that when they say they are hungry and I offer them something to eat, I may hear, “no thank you.  Can I have something else, please?” This may go on for about 2-3 rounds depending upon the child.  My husband tends to tell me that I give the children too many options and I’m pretty sure at least one of you may be thinking the same thing right now.  Yup, you probably are, aren’t you? Lol. That’s okay. My point in giving them options is 1) I like having options and 2) this is when I can tell how hungry they really are.

I remember one day recently, we were out and about and my son lets me know that he is very hungry.  Now, here’s a little background before we start the “awwws.” He is old enough to set his alarm, listen to his alarm, get up and make his own breakfast. However, this day, he decided to sleep until 11:00am (summer time sleep, I’m fine with that.).  He’s my stickler-for-the-schedule kid, so if we’re scheduled to be somewhere the next day, he knows way in advance.  So, when I told him that it was time to get up because we had to leave soon, he opted to move at the “teen-phase” pace. You know that pace.  The pace that drives you nuts watching because you know everything around you is moving at regular speed but for some reason it’s like they’re in a Slow. Moving.  Bubble. To the point it actually begins to make you want to look around for hidden cameras. This can’t be real.  Oh, yes, this is real.

Getting back to our car ride, I made sure that I brought some breakfast cookies just in case he got hungry.  When I offered them to him, his words, and I quote, “I would have to be really hungry in order for me to eat those.” Laughing as I type this right now in the same way I laughed when he said it.  Hilarious.  He already knew what my next response would be…”then, you’re not hungry enough.”

The funny thing about this story, outside of my son’s response, is that earlier this morning, I heard the same thing said to me.  I woke up earlier than usual, exhausted and thinking about later on today when I could get back in the bed.  I knew that I needed to get up and spend some time with God and then work on my book and blog.  But the bed felt so good and (whining) I’m still so very tired.  I only had 4 hours of sleep. (I was up late playing a game on my phone.  Totally my fault, I know.)  In the middle of my whining and complaining, the words, “then you’re not hungry enough” came to my mind.

Lesson Learned: I desire to have a closer relationship with the Lord.  I desire to spend time in prayer and in His word so that I can see and hear clearly His directions for me for the day. I desire to write a book.  I desire to help others with my blog.  I desire to have alone time in the morning while the children are sleeping.  I also desire, no crave, more sleep!
IMG_5445However, when I do not get up and feed my spirit, I end up with, what I am now calling, hunger pains. I end up feeling moody, cranky, rushed all day and just plain old blah. So, this morning, I chose to get out of the bed, my oh so comfortable bed, to feed my spirit. I decided that I am hungry enough! What are you craving in your life? Are you hungry enough to do what is needed to “feed” that craving?

“A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, and your poverty will come like a robber, your need, like a bandit.” Proverbs 24:33-34 (HCSB)

Lesson 33: Back to School

back to school picIt’s that time of year again! Excitement fills the air; yet, at the same time, a feeling of sadness hovers over many. It’s the beginning of a new school year! Parents are excited to send their children back to school; yet, a little sadness creeps in as they watch their babies grow up.  Children can’t wait to be back – new clothes, new and improved school supplies, FRIENDS – yet, even they have a slight sense of sadness within the first week. Summer has officially ended! Nooooo! No more staying up way past bedtime.  No more “free” electronics time. No more mid-day trips to the local amusement park or pool.  No more….No more…No more…No more….It’s all over! Sounds a bit depressing, right?!

So, with all of the no’s, why does it still seem like an exciting time of year? Hmmmm. Well, once again, it’s the start of a new season, a new school year, new curriculum (Yay!), a fresh new start! This is where my blog comes in.  You see, for over a year, I’ve been stuck in my own personal summer (and I’m not talking about hot flashes, ladies).  I’ve enjoyed my time away. I’ve enjoyed the freedom of not having to think about what others thought about my blog posts. I’ve enjoyed not having to check and recheck and then check again grammatical errors and spelling mishaps. I’ve enjoyed not having to carve out the time in my busy schedule to sit down and type. I’ve enjoyed reading other people’s posts and gained so much from all of them. I’ve even enjoyed the thought of not ever writing again.

Then last week, as I was preparing for the new school year, it hit me.  I really do not want the summer to end.  I’ve had a wonderful summer with lots of new experiences. However, even though the summer was great, I know I have a job to do that will force me out of my summer season even if I do not want it to end.  This job is so not about me.  This job is about what God wants to do in the lives that I touch each and every day.  I homeschool. Ha! That’s taken years for me to say it with confidence and with a smile.  I homeschool! My children will suffer if I do not move beyond the summer season.  My children will not learn as much if I do not move beyond my summer season.  Those who will one day have to deal with my children, will suffer if I do not move beyond my summer season.  So, it’s back to school I go.

Lesson Learned: There are many blog posts that you can read and gain so much from.  However, there are so many stories within me that I know I must share.  If I do not move beyond my summer season, many lives will not be touched by what God has placed in me.  If I do not move beyond my summer season, many people may not learn the lessons that God wants them to learn. Or, they simply may not know how to navigate a similar situation, if I do not move beyond my summer season.

My friend, the same goes for you. There’s something you must do that needs you to move beyond your summer season.  So, as I pray for you, pray for me; because, Back to School we go!

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way…” – Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

Sayings, Suggestions & Something Else I’ve Learned ~ Wisdom for My Next Steps

There are times in my life when I really don’t know what to do next. I feel so blah when I don’t know what to do. For the last few weeks, as I am officially taking a break from school, I have been in a state of “blah.” Could I actually be bored already? I have turned into my CHILDREN!!!!

Ok, Lord. I need something to do. When I don’t know what to do, I have a tendency to either do nothing at all (literally!) or fill up my time with busy work, just to feel like I haven’t done a thing by the end of the day.

So, this time I prayed and asked God for direction. I kept feeling like I should read the book of Proverbs during the month of July. So, that’s what I’ve been doing.

Just in the last three days, I have gained so much by reading a chapter a day and actually being able to use what I’ve read in various situations. I still do not know what my next steps are; however, I know that I am gaining wisdom for my next steps!

Saturday’s Suggestion? Join me on this July Journey and feel free to post what you are learning right here! You never know who you’ll help!

Happy Saturday, y’all!

It’s Sunday Scripture Time ~ Matthew 5:44 NIV

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
Last week, we loved on those we love. This week the challenge is A LOT harder. Today, show love & pray for those who are pretty tough to love. This is not always the easiest thing to do but it is necessary to soften your heart towards them. Some days I feel like a toddler saying, “do I really have toooooo?!?!?” And of course, the answer is…”YES. Yes, you do.”
Do you have a scripture or word of encouragement for today? Please, share it with us. We are all in this together!
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV


It’s Sunday Scripture Time ~ Psalm 86:11 NLT

“Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.”

It’s Father’s Day!!!! I want to take the time to wish all Fathers (biological, adopted, foster, mentors, Godfathers…) a very Happy Father’s Day. To all the dads out there, whether you had a great example or not, today try to remember the Father above all Fathers – God. Pray that He will continue to teach you how to be the best Father you can be. Then Honor Him by living out His truths through your life. Enjoy your day!
Do you have a scripture or word of encouragement for today? Please, share it with us. We are all in this together!
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV


It’s Sunday Scripture Time ~ John 13:34-35 NIV

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Over the last year and a half, several of my loved ones passed away. It’s been difficult; however, I continue to learn and practice the art of love. Throughout the day, remember to show love to those who are still here. Love on them so much, that they never doubt your love for them. I was thankful to have spoken to my loved ones days before they surprisingly passed away. I got the chance to tell them that I loved them and I got the chance to hear those words from them.

So, LOVE like it’s the last time you will hear their voice or see their face!
Do you have a scripture or word of encouragement for today? Please, share it with us. We are all in this together!
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV


Lesson 30: Turn gloomy Into GROOOVY!

Yesterday, we took the kids, along with some of our cousins, to Hershey Park for Education/Homeschool Day and What. A. Fantabulous. Day we all had! Now, if any of you live or visited most of the East Coast yesterday, then you know the weather was not great especially for a field trip to an amusement park. It was cold, dreary and RAINY!

We sat in the van for a long time, not wanting to face the weather conditions that surrounded us. The moment the door opened, my “Yay, Field Trip Day” turned into “I don’t know how long this trip is going to last.” I don’t like to be cold and I really don’t like to be wet and cold. The sun refused to come out from behind the clouds and play. This was not going to end well at all.

Of course, God has a lesson in everything homeschool with me. So, I sat there and prayed my attitude away. (My attitude was pretty funky hershey park graduation pics 082before I even stepped foot on Hershey Park’s property.) Finally, I’m out of the van and headed towards the front gate (still praying the whole time). And then it began to pour! All the rides we got on, were soaked! Every seat I sat on had a puddle of dirty cold rain water. Gross! Wait…did you catch that? EVERY SEAT I SAT ON…that’s right. My funky attitude was conquered with prayer and perseverance. I was determined to turn this gloomy day into a groovy one! For the first time in my life, we closed down an amusement park! Seriously! The gates locked behind us and the security guards asked us if we needed a ride back to the car, right before they told us to have a good night. LOL! Now THAT was an awesome field trip!

Lesson learned? Life is not always going to bring you the perfect conditions. In fact, sometimes things will just seemhershey park graduation pics 061 downright gloomy. My son said it best this morning in our devotions time. He said, “I’m actually thankful that it rained. I think we had a better time because we didn’t have to wait in long lines in the hot sun. We were able to get on all the rides and get back on them without having to stand in line.” YES! Something that was so gloomy turned into an oh-so groovy day just with a touch of God showing us the “groovyness” in gloomy conditions. So, as you live life day by day and as you encounter gloomy situations/conditions, remember to try your best to pray & persevere and watch God turn that gloomy Into GROOVY!hershey park graduation pics 127







It’s Sunday Scripture Time ~ Psalm34:18 NLT

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Throughout the day, remember to think about and pray for those who are grieving. And if you are the one who is grieving at this time, know that I am praying for you. As always, remember to TRUST Him with your life (including your hurts)!


Do you have a scripture or word of encouragement for today? Please, share it with us. We are all in this together!

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
Proverbs 27:17 NIV

Lesson 28: The Mom G.E.N.E.

My children had a wonderful weekend! Mommy needed a much needed break and my friends and family members came to the rescue immediately! My son slept over a friend’s house (they’ve been friends since the womb…literally!) and my daughters slept over their cousin-friend’s house. They all had an absolute ball and hubby and I were able to enjoy having uninterrupted conversations. It was great! SN: I am really blessed to have the friends and family members that I have in my life (and they’re close by – BONUS!).

I was so happy to see my children. I couldn’t wait to hear about all the fun they had. They were all smiling and we all just seemed very refreshed. Until…it’s back! Noooooo! “Please stop whining.” “Please leave your sister alone.” “What is the matter now?!?!?!” “Again, please stop whining.” “Why are you fighting?” “Stop!” “I can’t listen to you all at the same time.” “Please stop whining.” “Why are you YELLING?!?!?” “Please stop whining.” “Ouch! Pick these toys up now!” “STOP. WHINING!!!” “EVERYBODY, Go. To. Bed. Now!”

Once again, I felt like I just don’t have the mom gene. You know the moms who have THE Mom Gene. They’re so patient and creative. They don’t yell or pop and their children are super obedient, quiet, happy and play nicely together. Their house is spotless. They look like they work out like every day all day. Their hair is perfect…even their pull back ponytail is perfect…NO BUMPS?!?! Get out! They cook the perfect homemade dinner using ingredients from their backyard and they make healthy desserts. They blog consistently, work in or outside the home and actually bring in money to go shopping or to the spa and after all of that, they have an actual bedtime regimen and their children are in the bed before it’s dark outside. THEN, yes THEN, they put on matching pajamas or pretty nightgowns and bless their husbands!!!! What?!?! Showoff. LOL

Okay, so maybe that person only exists in my head but that Mom tends to make me feel bad about wanting to take a break from my darling children. That mom tends to make me feel like I’m constantly falling short in the area of wife, mother and woman. That mom tends to make me want to throw in the towel because I. Do. Not. Have. The Mom Gene. I struggle with this often and I’m sure other moms have felt the same way. So Ladies (and Gentlemen who want to encourage the tired mom), listen to this very carefully. The Mom G.E.N.E. is in your DNA! If you do not have children right now and you desire to have children, know that you too have the Mom G.E.N.E. in your DNA and I’m going to prove it to you right now.

G: Giving – You give of your body from the moment you find out your pregnant. For those who have not experienced that, don’t worry. You still have this in your DNA. Because, from the moment you decide you want children, you begin to move towards that goal. You have all given your time, your money, your body, and your mind.

E: Encouraging – Whether you use encouraging words or not, your lifestyle encourages your children and other kids around you what to do and even at times what not to do.

N: Necessary – You are necessary! You are necessary! You are necessary! At times you may not feel needed in the lives of your children, especially to those of you who have adult children, but trust me, you are necessary. You’ve experienced things and have lived life longer than your children. They need you. They need your experiences. They need your wisdom.

E: Everlasting Assignment – Yes, ma’am. Motherhood is an assignment that will last forever. My mom use to tell us, “Whether you like it or not, God made me your mother and I will be your mother until you leave this earth and even after that. You can’t get rid of me even if you try. And if you try and succeed, I will still be your mother.” I laugh now because that statement is absolutely hilarious to me! And, it is so true. You have been given this assignment, this title, and whether you or they are here on this earth or not, you/they are still a mom.

Lesson Learned? Even if you are trying to run from the Mom Gene and even if you are the one who feels like you nor your mother have the Mom Gene, understand that the Mom Gene is in you and you can’t get rid of it. The Mom Gene, like your DNA, is not about what you do but about who you are. So, the next time you get down about not being like the next mom, remember that you too have the Mom Gene. It’s just up to you to decide whether you want this assignment to be fun and not as stressful or not.

Be encouraged and have a great day!

It’s Sunday Scripture Time ~ Ephesians 3:20 NLT

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”
No matter how you may feel about yourself or your life, know that God has a plan and purpose for you. That plan and that purpose will exceed anything you could ever possibly imagine.

Trust Him with your life!
Do you have a scripture or word of encouragement for today? Please, share it with us. We are all in this together!

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 NIV
