Lesson 24: If it doesn’t fit…Try again

Tcelebrate 2oday, we wrapped up our Skeletal System Unit with a very big three part test.  My son did such an awesome job on it (Mommy Brag Moment). As we were preparing for the oral part of this test, I took out the mini-model skeleton that we have and took out all the organs and muscles so that only the bones were left.  Feeling very scientific (which I am not if it’s not dealing with formulas and/or chemicals), I went to put the rib cage back on my model.  Yeah, it wasn’t working.  So, I kept trying to put it on because I knew that’s where the rib cage belonged.  For the next 5 minutes, I tried to force this part on the model time after time after time.  Suddenly, like a light bulb literally shined right on top of my head, I. Turned. The. Rib cage. Around. Voila! I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.

It reminded me of those toddler wooden puzzles.  I absolutely love them but I am ashamed to say that I don’t necessarily like to watch toddlers play with them…at least not at first.  I sit there for a very long time watching them bang the piece onto the wooden board, missing the mark every time.  I sit there and watch them try to put one piece into the space that totally belongs to another piece.  It’s like the screeching sound you hear on a chalkboard (I’m old school.  I still use a chalkboard.) But, then one day it finally happens.  I am put out of my misery!  My little toddler masters the wooden puzzle and is now ready for the “real” puzzles!

This brings me to a conversation that I had today that took me for a little emotional loop.  I admit. I can be very sensitive. head on desk Words of affirmation…yup, that’s my ultimate love language.  So, when words are used in a not so affirming way, I hold onto them like I do a cup of hot coffee on a cold and stressful day! I dissect the words that were said and play them over and over and over again in my head.  It’s a very bad habit.

But, as I was getting ready to go to bed, it hit me.  I was so upset about the conversation because what was being said, No Longer Fit Me! It was just like the rib cage I tried to force on upside down and like the wooden puzzle piece that will not fit in a space that it was not designed to fit in.  I needed to write tonight because as I am encouraging myself, I’m pretty sure that someone else needs to hear tonight, “It doesn’t fit you anymore!”

You may not allow yourself to let go of things that have taken place in your past and unfortunately, sometimes others will not allow you to let it go either.  You may have truly changed but others may refuse to see that change in you.  From this day forward, let them know, let the enemy know and keep reminding yourself that those things DO NOT FIT YOU ANYMORE.

clothe yourselvesThe other day in Bible class, we talked about taking off the negative things (words, images, attitudes, behaviors) and putting on Godly things (love, patience, peace, self-control, etc).  The same concept applies here.  Take off those negative labels and reminders and put on what God sees in you.  You are made in HIS image, so you have to be pretty GREAT (said while taking a break to snap my fingers)!

Lesson learned? When my darling middle child comes to me either whining or demanding something, I usually say “that’s not how you talk to me, try again.” Well, we have to…I have to stop accepting everything that is being said to me.  Therefore, I am going to listen to the Voice of Truth, My Heavenly Father, and for all others (again, including the silly things I say to myself), “If it doesn’t fit…Try again!” And don’t forget to snap those fingers ladies! LOL Guys, just walk away like George Jefferson! LOL

puzzle-piecesGood night and have a blessed and peaceful weekend!

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