Lesson 32: Stand Up! Stand Up! (Even If It Means You’re Standing Alone)

I woke up this morning in a ball of emotions. As I lay in my bed, looking at my three year old at the foot of my bed, I couldn’t help but smile. I kept hearing her bold, yet sweet, voice in my head correcting a wrong. You see, my three year old is pretty quiet until she sees something that’s not right happening to someone else or to herself (but usually to someone else). I pictured the many times she saw a child take something from someone she cared about, whether it was a toy or a seat (lol). As I lay there thinking about her small voice boldly saying, “No, No, that’s _______’s” and “No, No, don’t do that,” I couldn’t help that my smile and proud mommy feelings turned into anxiety.

What if 34 years from now she’s just like me? What if she wakes up one morning hating this need to stand up for others? What if she gets mad at me for encouraging her to stand even if it’s by herself? What if she’s lonely? What if she wakes up with anxiety? What if she stands up the wrong way? What if her boldness hurts others? What if she decides to crawl into a quiet hole and never come back out? What if she decides the pain she feels just isn’t worth it anymore? What if she decides to follow the crowd instead? What if…?

In the midst of all of my negative “what ifs,” a devotional “popped” up in my email (gotta love smartphones). The first thing I read was this: “Sometimes God Doesn’t Choose the ‘Perfect’ Girl for the Job” (taken from Proverbs 31 Ministries; devotions @Proverbs31.org).The best part of this devotional was that it focused on one of my favorite stories in the Bible with one of my favorite persons in the Bible – Rahab! Long story short, Rahab had heard about God and what He had done for His people and even though she did not have a personal relationship with Him, she still stepped out on faith and Stood Up…alone. She helped 2 of God’s people and in return she asked for them to spare her life and the life of her family members. The 2 spies were saved and God protected Rahab and all the family members that remained in her house the day the battle took place. (See Joshua chapter 2 – 6 for the full story.) Man, if God can do that with someone who barely knew Him, what more will He do with someone who knows Him a little bit more!

Lesson Learned? What if by my daughter standing for righteousness, she protects others from harm (or more harm)? What if IMG_6813she does end up like me? Feeling like you stood up for what was right; feeling like you stood up to keep someone else from hurting…it’s not really a bad thing. Was Rahab scared? Absolutely! Am I scared when I stand up? Absolutely! Will my daughter be scared at times when she stands up? Absolutely! Will she always get it right? Not at all, just like her mother! But standing up for righteousness, especially for the sake of others, is not a bad lesson to learn or to teach. Keeping your mind on God will help you to Stand Up the correct way AND will help you to Stand Up even if you’re standing alone. (He’ll even work it all out for you!)

“Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
Ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high his royal banner,
It must not suffer loss.
From Victory until Victory
His army shall he lead,
Till every foe is vanquished,
And Christ is Lord indeed”
(Song I sang as a child that popped in my head this morning;

by George Duffield, Jr,. 1818-1888 and George J. Webb, 1803-1887)

Lesson 24: If it doesn’t fit…Try again

Tcelebrate 2oday, we wrapped up our Skeletal System Unit with a very big three part test.  My son did such an awesome job on it (Mommy Brag Moment). As we were preparing for the oral part of this test, I took out the mini-model skeleton that we have and took out all the organs and muscles so that only the bones were left.  Feeling very scientific (which I am not if it’s not dealing with formulas and/or chemicals), I went to put the rib cage back on my model.  Yeah, it wasn’t working.  So, I kept trying to put it on because I knew that’s where the rib cage belonged.  For the next 5 minutes, I tried to force this part on the model time after time after time.  Suddenly, like a light bulb literally shined right on top of my head, I. Turned. The. Rib cage. Around. Voila! I couldn’t help but laugh at myself.

It reminded me of those toddler wooden puzzles.  I absolutely love them but I am ashamed to say that I don’t necessarily like to watch toddlers play with them…at least not at first.  I sit there for a very long time watching them bang the piece onto the wooden board, missing the mark every time.  I sit there and watch them try to put one piece into the space that totally belongs to another piece.  It’s like the screeching sound you hear on a chalkboard (I’m old school.  I still use a chalkboard.) But, then one day it finally happens.  I am put out of my misery!  My little toddler masters the wooden puzzle and is now ready for the “real” puzzles!

This brings me to a conversation that I had today that took me for a little emotional loop.  I admit. I can be very sensitive. head on desk Words of affirmation…yup, that’s my ultimate love language.  So, when words are used in a not so affirming way, I hold onto them like I do a cup of hot coffee on a cold and stressful day! I dissect the words that were said and play them over and over and over again in my head.  It’s a very bad habit.

But, as I was getting ready to go to bed, it hit me.  I was so upset about the conversation because what was being said, No Longer Fit Me! It was just like the rib cage I tried to force on upside down and like the wooden puzzle piece that will not fit in a space that it was not designed to fit in.  I needed to write tonight because as I am encouraging myself, I’m pretty sure that someone else needs to hear tonight, “It doesn’t fit you anymore!”

You may not allow yourself to let go of things that have taken place in your past and unfortunately, sometimes others will not allow you to let it go either.  You may have truly changed but others may refuse to see that change in you.  From this day forward, let them know, let the enemy know and keep reminding yourself that those things DO NOT FIT YOU ANYMORE.

clothe yourselvesThe other day in Bible class, we talked about taking off the negative things (words, images, attitudes, behaviors) and putting on Godly things (love, patience, peace, self-control, etc).  The same concept applies here.  Take off those negative labels and reminders and put on what God sees in you.  You are made in HIS image, so you have to be pretty GREAT (said while taking a break to snap my fingers)!

Lesson learned? When my darling middle child comes to me either whining or demanding something, I usually say “that’s not how you talk to me, try again.” Well, we have to…I have to stop accepting everything that is being said to me.  Therefore, I am going to listen to the Voice of Truth, My Heavenly Father, and for all others (again, including the silly things I say to myself), “If it doesn’t fit…Try again!” And don’t forget to snap those fingers ladies! LOL Guys, just walk away like George Jefferson! LOL

puzzle-piecesGood night and have a blessed and peaceful weekend!

Lesson 18: Always Go to Bed Appreciating What You Do Have

“Okay, it’s time to go to bed,” I THANKFULLY said to my older two children.  It’s been a super long day yet again and I couldn’t wait for them to go upstairs and GO. TO. BED!!! As I cleaned up the school area, I listened to the two say “Nite, nite” to their youngest sister over and over and over again.  They were stalling and it took everything inside of me to not go into…da da duuuuuummmmm…CRAZY MOM MODE!  As I continued to move things around (not really cleaning), my ears heard something other than the bedtime complaining and requests.

Laughter. Joy. Excitement.

Before I got a chance to remind my children that it was time to go to bed, my oldest takes my toddler by the hand, said something to her that made her laugh and they ran up the stairs laughing and squealing.  Meanwhile, my baby girl continued to laugh and bounce as she watched her siblings run up the stairs.  I’m pretty sure she was waiting for an encore presentation from them. 

As I took all of this in, I was reminded to appreciate what I have.  You see, throughout the day, my older two argued, fussed and fought over pretty much everything…even the light switch for the SECOND day in a row! They got on each other’s nerves! But at the end of the day, they appreciated each other.  Today was another difficult day for me on so many different levels and in so many different areas of my life.  Appreciating what I have was the furthest thing from my mind.  But after watching this display of love, I stopped what I was doing and spent time with my oldest two before they went to bed.  As I brushed my toddler’s hair and braided it up for the night, my son read books and made his sister laugh.  I appreciate that wonderful gesture.  As I sat and greased my son’s scalp (he’s spoiled rotten…sorry future daughter-in-law) we chatted about friends both old and new.  I appreciate his honesty and willingness to share.  As we prayed, I appreciated the fact that my children know God is real and He hears us. 

Lesson Learned? No matter what is going on in your life – no matter the amount of bills that are piling up or the health issues that are trying to take over your mind or the argument with your spouse or the amount of cleaning that needs to get done or that load of laundry that refuses to dry or the mistakes that you’ve made throughout the day – always go to bed appreciating what you DO have!

Good night, guys.

And know that I appreciate the fact that you guys are hanging in there with me (even through my inconsistencies).

Lesson #4: Feed Your Family First

I have been working on preparing the night before and up until Sunday, it was working.  Sure, it had only been three days but those three days were an epic success. Then Saturday night-Sunday morning happened.  Every now and then, I forget that I’m not as young as I use to be and I decide to pretty much pull an “all-nighter” getting things in order or watching a movie or just hanging with the hubby.  It wasn’t until 3am, that I realized I have to get up in less than 4 hours to get ready for a very busy Sunday.  Clothes were laid out and everything except…

2629093-362285-hands-silhouette-illustration-on-white-background“Oh my goodness, I forgot to give the kids breakfast!” I yelled, smacking myself on the forehead, as we headed to church.  My 2 year old was already at the church for Awana Puggles with my sister-in-law and getting ready for Toddler Worship.  I rush into the church, all bags in hand and following my husband to the Toddler room.  As soon as I approach, I see my daughter give me this look that broke my heart.  You know the look that your children give you when they receive one of their first series of shots? That look they give you right before they let out their painful cry? That look that says, “why are you doing this to me. I trusted you.”  Yep, that look! Then the dreaded words come out of a loving and caring adult’s mouth, “ [She] said she’s ‘hungry.’ Did she eat breakfast this morning?” UGH! Right in the gut.  CRUSHED!

As they lovingly took care of my daughter, I walked up the stairs to set up for youth ministry. The ladies did not judge me but, they didn’t have to. I already did.  “Feed your family first” I kept hearing as I set up the room for the older children to come up.  “Feed your family first.” It was so clear and so repetitive, that I had to stop and sit down.  I kept the tears in but the guilt I felt wasn’t going away as I saw my daughter’s face over and over again in my head.  “Feed your family first.”

After a while, I knew the words were from my loving Savior but the condemnation that set in was not.  I slowly got up and reminded myself that this was a lesson that I needed to learn and one that we can all use a reminder.  “Feed Your Family First.” Sometimes we get so busy with life and others that we tend to forget to give our family the best of us.  I managed to go to the store and get snacks for the youth ministry but did not get my children anything to eat.  I didn’t even check to see if my husband was okay in the midst of all the hustle and bustle.  (He’s a very timely person and we were really late.) I didn’t even thank him for all his help that morning.feed your family first pic

“Feed your family first.” This doesn’t just mean physically.  We need to give the best to our family – spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally – instead of giving them the scraps (what’s left of us). As we seek the Lord, feeding ourselves, we should realize that all He has for us to do, He will give us the strength, the time and the ability to do it.  BUT we must then “feed our family first” and then other second. Wives, this especially goes for us in the area of “feeding” our husband’s first instead of giving them what’s left of us at the end of the day (and usually we give them sleep).  So without going into too much detail, wives, you know what I’m talking about!

So, please remember, in all the hustle and bustle of life and the responsibilities that we know God has given to us, “FEED YOUR FAMILY FIRST!”

“Jesus told her, ‘First I should help my own family…’”

Mark 7:27a